Collins, Forbes

Forbes Collins
  • Role: Herec
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Filmografie Forbes Collins

Film Rok Role
The Fruit Machine The Fruit Machine 1993 Herec
Souboj srdcí Souboj srdcí 1992 Herec
Dáma a zbojník Dáma a zbojník 1988 Herec
Biggles Biggles 1986 Herec
Doctor Who: Vengeance on Varos Doctor Who: Vengeance on Varos 1985 Herec
The Amazing Miss Stella Estelle The Amazing Miss Stella Estelle 1984 Herec
Tess Tess 1979 Herec
Intimate Games Intimate Games 1976 Herec
The Love-Girl and the Innocent The Love-Girl and the Innocent 1973 Herec