Page not found (404)

No Creator matches the given query.
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Raised by: div_content.views.creators.creator_detail

Using the URLconf defined in div_config.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. __debug__/
  2. admin/
  3. podpora/
  4. [name='index']
  5. filmy/ [name='movies_index']
  6. filmy/<int:year> [name='movies_year']
  7. filmy/<slug:genre_url> [name='movies_genre']
  8. film/<str:movie_url> [name='movie_detail']
  9. film/<int:pk>/ [name='movie_detail']
  10. film/<int:pk>/rate/ [name='movie_rate']
  11. film/add-to-list/ [name='add_to_list']
  12. tv/ [name='tv_index']
  13. tv/<str:tv_url> [name='tv_detail']
  14. hry/ [name='games_index']
  15. hra/<str:game_url> [name='game_detail']
  16. hra/pridat/ [name='game_add']
  17. knihy/ [name='books_index']
  18. hledani-knih/ [name='books_search']
  19. kniha/<str:book_url> [name='book_detail']
  20. knihy/pridat/ [name='book_add']
  21. spisovatele/ [name='authors_list']
  22. spisovatel/<str:author_url> [name='author_detail']
  23. spisovatel/pridat/ [name='author_add']
  24. lokality/ [name='locations_index']
  25. lokalita/<str:location_url> [name='location_detail']
  26. osobnosti/ [name='creators_list']
  27. osobnost/<str:creator_url> [name='creator_detail']

The current path, osobnost/aria-banks, matched the last one.

You’re seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.