Ueda, Hiroshi (1910)

Hiroshi Ueda
  • Role: Herec
  • Datum narození: 16. července 1910
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Filmografie Hiroshi Ueda

Film Rok Role
喜劇 団地親分 喜劇 団地親分 1962 Herec
新二等兵物語 めでたく凱旋の巻 新二等兵物語 めでたく凱旋の巻 1961 Herec
ぼんち ぼんち 1960 Herec
The Three Magicians The Three Magicians 1960 Herec
Gambler and the Princess Gambler and the Princess 1959 Herec
Shogun's Holiday Shogun's Holiday 1958 Herec
日蓮と蒙古大襲来 日蓮と蒙古大襲来 1958 Herec
白蛇小町 白蛇小町 1958 Herec
Hanatarō Jumon Hanatarō Jumon 1958 Herec
Conflagration Conflagration 1958 Herec
怪猫夜泣き沼 怪猫夜泣き沼 1957 Herec
Fighting Letter for 29 People Fighting Letter for 29 People 1957 Herec
赤胴鈴之助 飛鳥流真空斬り 赤胴鈴之助 飛鳥流真空斬り 1957 Herec
赤胴鈴之助 一本足の魔人 赤胴鈴之助 一本足の魔人 1957 Herec
Zangiku monogatari Zangiku monogatari 1956 Herec
Notebooks of Heiji Zenigata: Spider on the Skin Notebooks of Heiji Zenigata: Spider on the Skin 1956 Herec
Sisters of Gion Sisters of Gion 1956 Herec
The Young Lord The Young Lord 1955 Herec
The Magical Warrior The Magical Warrior 1955 Herec
Taira Clan Saga Taira Clan Saga 1955 Herec
The Second Son The Second Son 1955 Herec
Sazen Tange: The Monkey Pot Sazen Tange: The Monkey Pot 1954 Herec
Nagurikomi Songokū Nagurikomi Songokū 1954 Herec
The Woman in the Rumor The Woman in the Rumor 1954 Herec
Brána pekel Brána pekel 1953 Herec
An Heir's Place An Heir's Place 1953 Herec
新やじきた道中 新やじきた道中 1952 Herec
怪談深川情話 怪談深川情話 1952 Herec
A Spectacular Murder A Spectacular Murder 1951 Herec
遙かなり母の国 遙かなり母の国 1950 Herec
Goblin Courier Goblin Courier 1949 Herec
透明人間現わる 透明人間現わる 1949 Herec
Haru ranman tanuki matsuri Haru ranman tanuki matsuri 1948 Herec
王将 王将 1948 Herec
Meiji no kyōdai Meiji no kyōdai 1946 Herec
The Man From Chungking The Man From Chungking 1943 Herec
愛怨峡 愛怨峡 1937 Herec
福寿草 福寿草 1935 Herec